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Employers’ Preference on Employability Skills of Business Management and Accounting Graduates Image
Journal article

Employers’ Preference on Employability Skills of Business Management and Accounting Graduates

Mismatch between the graduates skills and attributes with the industry needs has been a challenge for colleges and universities. Thus Higher education institutions (HEIs) constantly review the curricula to respond to the relevant human resource needs. This study assessed the employability skills preference of the 65 public and private organizations. The employability skills assessed were analytical, technology, communication, interpersonal, problem-solving and management skills, as well as formal accounting qualification, leadership, capacity for innovation and organization and commercial awareness. The results showed that the skills more preferred by the employers are leadership, communication and interpersonal skills. Conversely, the least preferred by the employers were found to be formal accounting qualification, technology skills and capacity for innovation. The study also established that there are differences on preferences by types of business in terms of communication and interpersonal skills. Future studies could address the different factors affecting the acquisition of each employability skill.
The Effect of Structural Change on Labor Productivity Growth and Employment in the Philippines Image
Journal article

The Effect of Structural Change on Labor Productivity Growth and Employment in the Philippines

Philippines is considered one of the fastest developing economies because of the growing service sector. This growth brought a significant change in the economic structure of the country which previously relied on the agricultural sector. This paper conducted a study about the significant impact of structural change on labor productivity growth and employment. The paper localized the decomposition analysis used in literatures to extract the share of “within” sector and “structural change” to total changes in labor productivity in the Philippines from 2004-2018, and Applied Pooled Least Square, to obtain the impact of structural change to labor productivity growth and employment. Based on Durbin-Watson test results, both Panel Regression Equation and Seemingly Unrelated Equation were utilized because there is no contemporaneous autocorrelation found in Pooled Least Square. Using Breusch-Pagan LM Test, Panel Regression is deemed more appropriate than Seemingly Unrelated Regression. Furthermore, the decomposition analysis showed that higher share of service sector in employment makes the contribution of “structural change” lesser to labor productivity growth due to labor market that becomes less flexible as service sector dominates the labor market because of higher skillsets needed by the sector. The regression analysis showed that structural change is a significant determinant of employment and labor productivity; structural change has a positive relationship to labor productivity due to the transfer of labor to high-productivity sector; and structural change has a negative relationship to employment because the employment brought by the structural change cannot be absorbed by the labor force because of skills mismatch.
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Is the Future of Green Enterprise Really Green? Assessment of Stakeholders’ Awareness on Green Enterprise Image
Journal article

Is the Future of Green Enterprise Really Green? Assessment of Stakeholders’ Awareness on Green Enterprise

Educating individuals on “greening” their activities during the execution of their jobs would contribute in controlling environmental harm. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the awareness and perception of tricycle drivers in San Pablo City, Laguna, Philippines on green enterprise. A survey was done that involved one hundred fifty (150) public utility vehicle (PUV) drivers. The questionnaire intended to measure awareness on general concepts as well as on air emission control and perception on greening their activities as they render transport service. The research also determined if awareness on green enterprise would influence perception on green practices. This study also examined if there is difference in the awareness and perception of the PUV drivers when they are grouped according to profile factors. The study revealed that the tricycle drivers in San Pablo City, Laguna are highly aware of the meaning, benefits, and activities of green enterprise. Moreover, the result showed that the drivers agreed on the green practices applicable to their work as public transport drivers. It was also found out that awareness on green enterprise significantly influence perception on green practices. Furthermore, it was determined that there is no significant difference among the awareness of the respondents on green enterprise when grouped according to profile factors but there is significant difference among the perception of the tricycle drivers on green enterprise when grouped according to civil status.
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