The Internal and Regulatory Environment of Organic Farming in Laguna Province, Philippines
Marivic B. Abinsay


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The Internal and Regulatory Environment of Organic Farming in Laguna Province, Philippines Image

This study was conducted to assess the internal environment and regulatory environment of organic farming in Laguna province. A total of 86 organic farmers in selected municipalities in Laguna participated in the study. The research design employed was the descriptive method. Weighted means were used in the data analysis. The findings indicated that the internal environment in terms of operational sustainability and market sustainability is perceived as sustainable, while the regulatory environment in terms of standardization and certification is also perceived as sustainable. Results suggested that the perceived operational sustainability and market sustainability of organic farming imply a bright perspective in the province. Modification/amendments of the certification standards and regulations are essential mandates to increase adoption and to reach local and foreign market and must be attuned to the needs of small farmers. Improvement on internal systems in operational sustainability and local market sustainability is also recommended.

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