Influence of Entrepreneurial Education and Attitude on Entrepreneurial Intention of Graduating Students in a Nigerian University
Saifullahi Adam Bayero


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Influence of Entrepreneurial Education and Attitude on Entrepreneurial Intention of Graduating Students in a Nigerian University Image

This study assessed the influence of entrepreneurial education (EE) and entrepreneurial attitude (EA) on the entrepreneurial intention (EI) of graduating students in a Nigerian university. Through a descriptive quantitative methods, questionnaires were distributed and retrieved from a total of 157 non-probabilistic convenience samples from the final year students across the different faculties of Bayero University, Kano (BUK). To test the proposed hypotheses, the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was employed. The results showed that EE and EA have strong influence on the EI of the graduating students. Similarly, the measurement model confirmed reliability and validity of all indicators using the convergent and discriminated validity using 5000 bootstrapping algorithm re-sampling technique. The structural model also validated the two hypothesized relationships among the variables of the study. The results have enormous implications to both the academic community and the government.

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