Filipino Millennials Motivational Behavior Toward Mobile Service Providers and Its Brand Advertising
Декабрь 2021  //  DOI: 10.53378/352080
Gino Antonio A. Rivera Iii


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Filipino Millennials Motivational Behavior Toward Mobile Service Providers and Its Brand Advertising Image

This descriptive-correlational study which involved survey among 278 participants and investigated how Filipino millennials think, feel, and behave toward mobile service providers’ brand image and advertising initiatives. Filipino millennials believe that advertising can influence their brand preference and choice. Aside from the satisfaction of network coverage and quality, this generation strongly believes that advertising can influence the loyalty of subscribers. Overall, the respondents are satisfied with the current mobile service providers’ advertising initiatives and information dissemination and believe that the mobile service provider advertising initiatives can influence the loyalty as customers. There is a significant difference among the Filipino millennials’ overall perspectives on advertising initiatives of mobile service providers (0.851<). There is also a strong positive relationship among the factors influencing Filipino millennials’ choice of mobile service provider and the psychographic profiles (=.65). Furthermore, there is a moderate positive relationship between mobile service providers’ advertising initiatives and millennials’ brand preference and choice (=.36) Similarly, moderate positive relationships are obtained on the mobile service providers’ advertising initiatives and millennials’ motivation to continue using the products (=.32) and the mobile service providers’ advertising initiatives and millennials’ loyalty to the brand (=.3). In an industry where products and services are intangible in nature and with customers who are highly demanding, telecommunication companies should give consideration and effort in understanding the evolving needs and desires of their customers which can be applied in the form of usage, acquisition, up-sell, and cross-sell components.

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