The Role of Leisure Industry in Municipal Economic Growth
Dezembro 2021  //  DOI: 10.53378/352081
Madelon C. Briz


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The Role of Leisure Industry in Municipal Economic Growth Image

This research deals with the role of the leisure industry and the implemented measures on safety and security towards the economic growth of the municipalities in the third district of Laguna Province in the Philippines. This study comprised 100 randomly selected samples from the seven municipalities. The statistical tools used were mean, standard deviation and t-test. The results of the study showed that the leisure industry as well as the implemented measures on safety and security contribute to the overall development of the municipalities which were measured in terms of employment, service and income. I was clear that the leisure industry generates more income than other industries which essentially helped improved funds of the municipalities. As the current study generated data from survey, the results are mere perceptions of the key stakeholders. Further studies are encouraged on the measurement of the actual income contribution of the industry to the municipalities.

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